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(713) 461-6500
June 21, 2023
Jason McLaurin

Personal Injury

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FAQs About Personal Injury

Below are some frequently asked questions about Personal Injury:

What Qualifies As A Personal Injury?

Personal injury is an umbrella term for various types of physical and psychological harm you might suffer due to another person’s negligence or recklessness. Personal injury cases usually arise from traffic accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, animal attacks, defective products, etc.

Contact our team at McLaurin Law if you have a personal injury claim. Our Houston personal injury lawyer will advise about whether you can seek compensation.

How Much Is My Claim Worth?

Every case is different. The type and amount of compensation you can seek will depend on your injuries, the facts of the case, and other factors such as:

  • Your age, sex, and body type
  • Your personal circumstances
  • Pre-existing injuries
  • The available evidence
  • Any aggravating factors

There is no simple calculation for evaluating personal injury claims, but an experienced personal injury attorney in Houston can help you. We have many years of experience evaluating claims at McLaurin Law, so we can examine your case to determine what compensation you may be eligible to seek.

What Evidence Should I Collect To Support My Claim?

Anything that points to the other party’s liability and documents your injuries could help your case. Examples include:

  • Police reports
  • Witness statements
  • Medical bills and records
  • Photo and video evidence
  • Expert reports

Do I Need A Houston Personal Injury Lawyer?

A lawyer is not a legal requirement. However, representing yourself in a personal injury case is not a good idea unless you are a legal professional.

Personal injury law is complex. In addition to evaluating your claim and establishing the other party’s fault, you’d also be dealing with the insurance company directly, which can be antagonistic and prioritizes cutting their costs over paying you fair compensation. They will likely try to reduce your payout by shifting the blame onto you or making a low offer.

At McLaurin Law, our lead personal injury attorney, Jason C. McLaurin, formerly worked in the insurance industry. He knows the tricks that insurers use to reduce your payout and how to counteract them.

If you’re searching for a “Houston personal injury lawyer near me,” you’ve found them. At McLaurin Law, we serve personal injury victims in and around Houston, TX. Call us at (713) 461-6500 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free strategy session.

Copyright © 2024. McLaurin Law, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.
McLaurin Law, PLLC
5005 Riverway Drive, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 461-6500http://mdlawtex.wpenginepowered.com/

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Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Available by Phone: 24/7

Whether you are recovering from a personal injury or attempting to recover compensation with an insurance coverage claim or appeal, our legal team will vigorously advocate on your behalf.
Personal Injury and Insurance Law Attorneys in Houston, TX
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