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November 28, 2023
McLaurin Law

Responding to Texas Chemical Fires

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When you live in Texas, you know that chemical plant fires are all too common. Even a minor explosion can trigger large fires, black plumes of smoke, and widespread injuries and burns. Case in point: A Shepherd, Texas plant fire occurred in November 2023, creating a massive blaze that forced school evacuations and affected homeowners for miles around.

If you live in a radius of a chemical fire, it’s possible that you could experience property damage, resulting from the explosion itself or from the spread of its embers. More broadly speaking, it’s smart for every Texas homeowner to know what to do in response to chemical explosions and the resulting devastation.

Consider a few guidelines from our personal injury attorneys.

What to Do in the Aftermath of a Chemical Fire

Maintain Documentation

Should you decide to bring a property damage claim to your insurance company, you’ll need to provide an orderly account of the facts. The best way to do so is with a simple log. Keep a written account of when the explosion occurs, and of any signs of fire or smoke you see in its aftermath. Also note any physical damage to your property, or the sudden onset of any medical concerns.

In addition to your written log, capture some photographic evidence of the damage. Clear, well-illuminated images of your home, yard, garage, fence, and driveway are all essential. It can also be helpful to capture a panoramic view of your street or neighborhood, providing greater context of the blast and fire damage.

Seek Medical Care

Any time you’re involved in an accident, whether that’s a car wreck or a chemical fire, it’s advisable to see a doctor. This is true whether you think you’ve been injured or not. A doctor may be able to identify worrisome issues you’re not yet aware of, providing proactive intervention. Additionally, seeking medical care is an important way of demonstrating due diligence to your insurance company.

Protect Your Home

Damage to your home can present a significant security risk. For example, if your windows have been shattered, it provides potential burglars with an easy way in. Ensure that you take whatever reasonable precautions you can to safeguard your property, even if that just means boarding up those busted windows.

Hire an Attorney

Personal injury and property damage claims can be complicated, especially when they involve unusual events such as chemical fires. You may benefit from having a skilled attorney who can help you review the terms of your insurance policy, and to determine whether it’s advisable to proceed with a claim.

Seek Counsel in Your Chemical Fire Claim

Chemical explosions can be frightening, they can be disruptive, and they can cause long-lingering effects. You’ll want a skilled lawyer who has ample experience navigating the insurance claims process and handling the effects of chemical fires. McLaurin Law more than meets that description, and we’re happy to counsel you on your chemical fire claim. Contact us at your convenience.

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McLaurin Law, PLLC
5005 Riverway Drive, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 461-6500http://mdlawtex.wpenginepowered.com/

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