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July 23, 2024
McLaurin Law

What Not To Say When Filing a TX Homeowners Insurance Claim

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Filing a Texas homeowners insurance claim is a delicate process. Knowing what to say and do will aid you through this period. However, knowing what not to say when filing a homeowners insurance claim is just as important. 

Knowing what to avoid saying allows you to avoid mistakes. Doing so just requires a little bit of knowledge beforehand so you don’t make a slip-up that could affect your claim. 

What Not to Say When Filing a Homeowner Insurance Claim

When filing a claim, there are several topics you should avoid and several statements that will hurt you. 

Avoid Admitting Fault

Fault is one of several things to avoid discussing in an insurance claim. Insurance representatives are on the lookout for an admission of fault. 

Even if you believe the incident was your fault, you can't be certain. Upon further investigation, investigators may discover that the incident was actually completely random. However, if you admitted fault at the beginning, the insurance company may still use your statement against you. 

Don’t Downplay the Situation

You want an insurance company to take your situation seriously. Downplaying the situation makes it seem less serious and gives them a reason to pay less. 

Avoid phrases like: 

  • I’ll take care of that myself.
  • It’s not a big deal.
  • The damage is minimal.
  • You don’t have to worry about that.

Any of these phrases will indicate that the insurance company should be responsible for less. So, all of them are pitfalls in filing a homeowners insurance claim and form part of what not to say when filing a homeowners insurance claim. 

Don’t Say “Yes” to the First Offer

A firm “yes” to the initial settlement offer is one of the words to steer clear of in a homeowners insurance claim. You don’t have to accept a lowball offer and can work to raise the amount. 

A good way to do this is to reject the initial offer if it doesn't cover all your expenses. An attorney can help you work with the company from this point to try for a potentially better offer in the future.  

Don’t Say Anything Unplanned on Record

If an insurance company pushes you for a recorded statement, what not to say when filing a homeowners insurance claim becomes even more important. With a recording, any mistakes in what you say will be available forever. So, errors when filing a homeowners insurance claim are even more dire in this situation. 

To avoid any problems, you should work with a lawyer on any recorded statement. That way, you can prepare a proper statement. 

Other Mistakes in a Homeowner Insurance Claim

Knowing what to refrain from saying in an insurance claim goes a long way. However, there are plenty of other mistakes to avoid in a homeowners insurance claim.

  • Not knowing your policy: Your policy lets you know exactly what it does and doesn't cover. 
  • Not contacting insurance immediately: If you don’t make contact immediately, the insurance company may be able to make a case that you didn’t do your part in properly informing them. 
  • Not gathering enough evidence: Properly documenting an incident and gathering evidence will help prove your case. Specifically, look for admissible evidence, as it is more powerful. 

Properly Navigating a Homeowner Insurance Claim

Knowing what not to say when filing a homeowners insurance claim and being aware of other common mistakes can go a long way toward a proper payout. 

In addition, working with an attorney can help. An experienced attorney can help you work with your insurance company and avoid making mistakes while doing so. 

Reach out to McLaurin Law, PLLC, in Houston, TX at (713) 231-5903 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

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